Hello, my name is Vannessa Randall Rodure. I’m a failed author, but I continue writing regardless. Nowhere on this website will you find a place to deposit money, because I no longer do this for profit. Allow me to explain why.
In 2020, just as I was graduating high school, I published my first novel: The Overlord Saga: Midnight. It was an unabashed failure for many reasons I will not get into in the here and now. A total of nine copies sold. If we include the ones in my personal collection and those I donated to a local library, a total of thirteen copies of this book exist in physical print.
The way I had learned this business, for it was at the time a business to me, I had grown used to seeing “failure numbers” in the hundreds of copies at least. Erroneously, I had thought that even if the book was a failure it would still offset the cost of production. This was foolish of me.
Disheartened by my failure, I receded from attempting to share my work. Midnight was unpublished. Removed from the world in all but the remaining thirteen copies. I took a customer service job, and between that and a persistent chronic illness I became too preoccupied to think about my failure. Too preoccupied to think about next steps.
Until now, that is.
Here and now, approaching the second anniversary of Midnight’s doomed publishing, I’ve rediscovered just how much I love writing. I can’t say I ever really stopped writing, but I stopped sharing it. The perception became, “If this cannot be monetized, then why bother?”
But now the idea becomes, “why not share it?”
And thus emerges the purpose of this website. A place to share my work, simply for the sake of sharing it.
Want to chat? You can find me at rodurechats on Tumblr.